Splashing Out - Gyula Castle Baths Starts Upgrade Costing Over 1 Billion Forints
- 14 Jan 2025 8:23 AM

Kun said this is the third phase of an overall development programme that is funded by a HUF 3.2bn grant from the Hungarian Tourism Agency that covers 90pc of the costs.
During the current development, a building built in 1833 will be renovated, the mud and hydrotherapy department and the weight baths will be reconstructed and flooring tiles will be renewed.
The baths is providing HUF 320m of its own funds for the upgrade and construction work will be done by local company Futizo, he added.
Kun noted that they originally planned to create a new wellness area, a so-called thermal palace, in this phase of the development programme, but due to significant price increases this no longer fits in the budget. They calculate the thermal palace would cost HUF 7bn at current prices.
The Gyula Castle Baths had 598,000 visitors last year, compared to the pre-covid annual average of 620,000-630,000 visitors. Public records show the baths had HUF 2.1bn revenue in 2023 and Kun said revenue in 2024 was above HUF 2.3bn.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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