75 result(s) for constant attack
Xpat Opinion: Constitutional Renewal Must Be Done By Hungarians For Hungarians
- 13 Jul 2012 1:00 AM
- current affairs
A conversation between two consitutional legal scholars: Kim Lane Scheppele, Princeton University and Gábor Halmai, ELTE Budapest and Princeton University.
Invitation: Time Attack - Hungarian Version, Hungaroring, 20 May
- 16 May 2012 9:00 AM
- sport
How amateur time trial car racing spreads in Hungary? After a short break, we check in with a new post before the car racing season 2012. As you know, we are about to introduce a wide variety of vehicles from street tuning cars to amateur race cars. We pay attention to the coolest innovations and events where the owners of these prodigies can gratify their passions. In this post, we are going to ...
Hungary's Central Bank A "Lodging For Offshore Knighs" - Orbán
- 27 Apr 2010 4:00 AM
- current affairs
"Whether or not current regulations on Hungary's financial markets supervision (PSZÁF) and central bank (NBH) will be changed is up Parliament to decide, said Hungary’s incoming Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at a press conference on Monday. While his response to an inquiry about the potential merger of the two was rather diplomatic, he did criticize both the watchdog and the head of the NBH.
Xpat Opinion: Constitutional Renewal Must Be Done By Hungarians For Hungarians
- 13 Jul 2012 1:00 AM
- current affairs
A conversation between two consitutional legal scholars: Kim Lane Scheppele, Princeton University and Gábor Halmai, ELTE Budapest and Princeton University.
Invitation: Time Attack - Hungarian Version, Hungaroring, 20 May
- 16 May 2012 9:00 AM
- sport
How amateur time trial car racing spreads in Hungary? After a short break, we check in with a new post before the car racing season 2012. As you know, we are about to introduce a wide variety of vehicles from street tuning cars to amateur race cars. We pay attention to the coolest innovations and events where the owners of these prodigies can gratify their passions. In this post, we are going to ...
Hungary's Central Bank A "Lodging For Offshore Knighs" - Orbán
- 27 Apr 2010 4:00 AM
- current affairs
"Whether or not current regulations on Hungary's financial markets supervision (PSZÁF) and central bank (NBH) will be changed is up Parliament to decide, said Hungary’s incoming Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at a press conference on Monday. While his response to an inquiry about the potential merger of the two was rather diplomatic, he did criticize both the watchdog and the head of the NBH.