305 result(s) for criticize
Local Opinion: GDP Growth Has Peaked
- 22 Aug 2018 10:35 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- finance
A left-wing analyst thinks that the Hungarian economy will underperform official expectations. A pro-government economist finds it unfair for the EU to criticize Hungary.
Opinion: Is The Orbán Regime A “Hybrid Political System”?
- 20 Aug 2018 9:20 AM
- http://hungarianspectrum.org/
- current affairs
It is somewhat late to cover the debate that has been going on since the end of July over Gábor Filippov’s essay “The age of hybrid counterrevolutions.”
Local Opinion: State Audit Office Strongly Criticizes Hungarian Hospitals
- 10 Aug 2018 10:43 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- health & wellness
As the head of the State Audit Office accuses hospitals of wasteful and corrupt practices, commentators on Right and Left wonder if the government will have the courage to reform the inefficient and less than transparent health care management system.
Local Opinion: NATO Summit In Brussels
- 13 Jul 2018 9:31 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
Two conservative columnists call on Europe to strengthen its geopolitical independence. A former US State Department advisor fears that President Trump will weaken NATO.
New Visa Deal In Vietnam By Those Involved In Hungary's Golden Visa Program
- 6 Jul 2018 10:25 AM
- current affairs
On a morning in May, nearly two hundred people attended an event titled “Hungary – Entrance to Europe” in a hotel in Hanoi. During a three-hour program, a Vietnamese company explained different ways to obtain Hungarian residence permit through real estate investment. The event was successful and “many investors registered for the program,” as the company later posted on its Facebook page reports ...
Local Opinion: EP Committee Backs Sanctions Procedure Against Hungary
- 28 Jun 2018 8:10 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
In an early comment on the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties committee vote in favor of sanctioning Hungary, a pro-government pundit accuses EU liberals of burying their heads in the sand.
Local Opinion: Viktor Orbán Re-Elected As Prime Minister
- 14 May 2018 1:24 PM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
As Parliament elects Viktor Orbán as Prime Minister, a pro-government columnist welcomes what he calls Viktor Orbán’s pragmatic vision. A left-wing commentator writes that although PM Orbán now prefers the formula ‘Christian democracy’ to ‘illiberalism’, his principles and aims remain unchanged.
Local Opinion: PM Orbán 'Summoned' To Brussels
- 3 May 2018 9:09 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
As Prime Minister Orbán meets the leaders of the European People’s Party, a left-wing columnist believes that European conservatives may reprimand PM Orbán for his illiberal policies. A pro-government commentator dismisses such speculation, and calls on the EU not to punish Hungary and Poland by limiting their access to cohesion funds.
Opinion: BBC’s Nick Thorpe vs. Historian Mária Schmidt
- 26 Apr 2018 9:20 AM
- current affairs
Recently the BBC commissioned a Ipsos MORI survey that showed that Hungarians are a pretty intolerant lot, among the citizens of 27 countries at least, writes Eva S. Balogh. Less than half of the adult population in Hungary believe that people across the world have more things in common than things that make them different, she reports.
Local Opinion: GDP Growth Has Peaked
- 22 Aug 2018 10:35 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- finance
A left-wing analyst thinks that the Hungarian economy will underperform official expectations. A pro-government economist finds it unfair for the EU to criticize Hungary.
Opinion: Is The Orbán Regime A “Hybrid Political System”?
- 20 Aug 2018 9:20 AM
- http://hungarianspectrum.org/
- current affairs
It is somewhat late to cover the debate that has been going on since the end of July over Gábor Filippov’s essay “The age of hybrid counterrevolutions.”
Local Opinion: State Audit Office Strongly Criticizes Hungarian Hospitals
- 10 Aug 2018 10:43 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- health & wellness
As the head of the State Audit Office accuses hospitals of wasteful and corrupt practices, commentators on Right and Left wonder if the government will have the courage to reform the inefficient and less than transparent health care management system.
Local Opinion: NATO Summit In Brussels
- 13 Jul 2018 9:31 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
Two conservative columnists call on Europe to strengthen its geopolitical independence. A former US State Department advisor fears that President Trump will weaken NATO.
New Visa Deal In Vietnam By Those Involved In Hungary's Golden Visa Program
- 6 Jul 2018 10:25 AM
- current affairs
On a morning in May, nearly two hundred people attended an event titled “Hungary – Entrance to Europe” in a hotel in Hanoi. During a three-hour program, a Vietnamese company explained different ways to obtain Hungarian residence permit through real estate investment. The event was successful and “many investors registered for the program,” as the company later posted on its Facebook page reports ...
Local Opinion: EP Committee Backs Sanctions Procedure Against Hungary
- 28 Jun 2018 8:10 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
In an early comment on the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties committee vote in favor of sanctioning Hungary, a pro-government pundit accuses EU liberals of burying their heads in the sand.
Local Opinion: Viktor Orbán Re-Elected As Prime Minister
- 14 May 2018 1:24 PM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
As Parliament elects Viktor Orbán as Prime Minister, a pro-government columnist welcomes what he calls Viktor Orbán’s pragmatic vision. A left-wing commentator writes that although PM Orbán now prefers the formula ‘Christian democracy’ to ‘illiberalism’, his principles and aims remain unchanged.
Local Opinion: PM Orbán 'Summoned' To Brussels
- 3 May 2018 9:09 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
As Prime Minister Orbán meets the leaders of the European People’s Party, a left-wing columnist believes that European conservatives may reprimand PM Orbán for his illiberal policies. A pro-government commentator dismisses such speculation, and calls on the EU not to punish Hungary and Poland by limiting their access to cohesion funds.
Opinion: BBC’s Nick Thorpe vs. Historian Mária Schmidt
- 26 Apr 2018 9:20 AM
- current affairs
Recently the BBC commissioned a Ipsos MORI survey that showed that Hungarians are a pretty intolerant lot, among the citizens of 27 countries at least, writes Eva S. Balogh. Less than half of the adult population in Hungary believe that people across the world have more things in common than things that make them different, she reports.