2 result(s) for physicist in Tech
Green Light to “Put Hungarian Research Into an International Orbit” Given by Parliament
- 14 Jun 2023 11:47 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- tech
Parliament on Tuesday voted to give the green light to a new national innovation strategy dubbed the Neumann János Programme, aimed at facilitating links between universities, research institutes, and the economy.
Unique Neutron Research Lab To Be Set Up At Martonvásár
- 11 Jun 2018 9:16 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- tech
A 1.8 billion forint (EUR 5.62m) neutron research laboratory, the first of its kind, will be set up with EU co-funding at Martonvásár near Budapest, the Hungarian project company’s head said.
Green Light to “Put Hungarian Research Into an International Orbit” Given by Parliament
- 14 Jun 2023 11:47 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- tech
Parliament on Tuesday voted to give the green light to a new national innovation strategy dubbed the Neumann János Programme, aimed at facilitating links between universities, research institutes, and the economy.
Unique Neutron Research Lab To Be Set Up At Martonvásár
- 11 Jun 2018 9:16 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- tech
A 1.8 billion forint (EUR 5.62m) neutron research laboratory, the first of its kind, will be set up with EU co-funding at Martonvásár near Budapest, the Hungarian project company’s head said.