Substantial Interest In Cycling Survey In Budapest

  • 12 Oct 2012 9:00 AM
Substantial Interest In Cycling Survey In Budapest
The Team for Cycling at BKK asked the followers of our Facebook page to fill in our survey on cycling habits and needs. Over 4,000 people took part in the survey available on both the Facebook page and the homepage of BKK last week.

Bicycle traffic has increased in Budapest, which requires further developments in the city. Accordingly, BKK has to meet the demands of traffic and examine how to extend cycling to a larger area than before. Like every project of our company, cycling developments are also preceded by profound studies. This time we are focusing on the transportation system of Budapest’s agglomeration, of which cycling is of course an important part.

Cycling has been primarily known as a means of transport in the city centre, the role of cycling paths leaving the city has not been investigated. BKK is now completing a study which aims to provide directives and proposals for elaboration in the framework of future strategies and developments. We would like explore the possibilities of cycling in the suburban areas along with potential connections to the Budapest public transport network. The survey also provides an opportunity to get feedback about our previous developments and future plans (infrastructure and traffic organising) as well. Therefore, we are asking for input regarding the accessibility to and transportability of bicycles in public transport as well.

We asked the inhabitants of both Budapest and the agglomeration to complete our survey. By answering the questions, participants contribute to the further development and the proportional distribution of our moderate funds for cycling. Our sheet is available only in Hungarian under the following address:

The BKK-study was conducted as a part of the CATCH-MR project (Cooperative Approaches to Transport Challenges in Metropolitan Regions) which explores and aims to adapt sustainable transport solutions for metropolises and their surrounding regions.


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