Budapest 'Can't Get Out of Paying Taxes', Says Hungarian Government
- 10 Dec 2024 6:35 AM

State secretary Andras Tallai said that this year, 848 "wealthier" localities paid a solidarity contribution to aid 1,250 localities in performing their tasks. "It is peculiar that it is the richest city of the country, the capital, that finds supporting poorer localities difficult," Tallai said.
Government support for local authorities will be raised to 1,266 billion forints (EUR 3bn) from 1,050 billion this year, and additional funds will flow into wage costs, Tallai said.
In reaction to Karacsony's statement that the city would not pay some 50 billion forints in solidarity constribution, Tallai said "everyone has to comply with the law."
Last week, Budapest Mayor Gergely Karacsony said that in a bid "to retain the municipality's self determination and resources", the city's budget had been drafted on the assumption that "Budapest will pay as much solidarity tax to the central budget as it receives from central coffers to finance its services."
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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