77 result(s) for electoral defeat
Hungarian Opinion: Opposition Alliance Will Disintegrate After Landslide Fidesz Election Victory
- 4 Apr 2022 1:24 PM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
Both a pro-government and a liberal pundit predict that after Sunday’s landslide Fidesz victory, the opposition alliance will disintegrate.
United Opposition’s PM Candidate Defeated in His Local Electoral District by Fidesz’s Lázár
- 4 Apr 2022 7:20 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- current affairs
Hódmezővásárhely, in southern Hungary, “lies at the dawn of a new era”, János Lázár, Fidesz’s local MP candidate, said after defeating Péter Márki-Zay, the united opposition’s prime ministerial candidate, to win his electoral district on Sunday.
'Our Greatest Win, Even When Everyone Was Against Us', Says PM Orbán
- 4 Apr 2022 7:08 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- current affairs
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declared that ruling Fidesz had secured its greatest victory even when “great international forces” had mobilised against it. All the money international organisations provided to the Hungarian opposition was “money down the drain”, he said.
Watch: Dumped Hungarian Postal Ballots Found in Transylvania
- 1 Apr 2022 6:32 AM
- https://bbj.hu/
- current affairs
A bag containing partially burnt Hungarian election postal ballot papers was found in a landfill near Târgu Mures, according to a report by news site Telex.hu.
Hungarian Opinion: Weeklies on the Electoral Campaign
- 14 Feb 2022 6:19 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
As the electoral campaign officially kicks off, the weeklies analyse the political landscape and the various factors that might play a role in the run-up to the elections called for 3 April.
Opinion: OSCE Prepares for ‘Full-Scale’ Electoral Monitoring in Hungary
- 8 Feb 2022 9:50 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
A pro-government analyst sees the decision to send an unusually large (for an EU country) electoral monitoring mission to Hungary as part of a campaign to explain away the probable defeat of the opposition at the elections in April. A liberal expert thinks even a large number of monitors will have limited means to oversee the election.
Hungarian Opinion: Government Caps Price of Six Basic Foodstuffs
- 17 Jan 2022 9:19 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- shopping
Opposition-leaning outlets lambast the decision announced by the Prime Minister to freeze the price of white sugar, white flour, milk, chicken breasts, pork shanks and sunflower oil at October levels.
Hungarian Opinion: Márki-Zay to be Left Without Own Parliamentary Group
- 7 Jan 2022 10:25 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
A pro-government commentator writes that the opposition parties wanted to teach Péter Márki-Zay a lesson by not allowing him to put his own candidates on the opposition ballot.
Hungarian Opinion: Weeklies on the Possible Outcome of Next Year’s Parliamentary Elections
- 8 Nov 2021 10:37 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
Weekly newspapers and magazines study the prospects of opposition parties in the Hungarian parliamentary elections due in just under six months’ time. Voices close to the opposition are optimistic, cautious or even critical of their own camp.
Hungarian Opinion: Opposition Alliance Will Disintegrate After Landslide Fidesz Election Victory
- 4 Apr 2022 1:24 PM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
Both a pro-government and a liberal pundit predict that after Sunday’s landslide Fidesz victory, the opposition alliance will disintegrate.
United Opposition’s PM Candidate Defeated in His Local Electoral District by Fidesz’s Lázár
- 4 Apr 2022 7:20 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- current affairs
Hódmezővásárhely, in southern Hungary, “lies at the dawn of a new era”, János Lázár, Fidesz’s local MP candidate, said after defeating Péter Márki-Zay, the united opposition’s prime ministerial candidate, to win his electoral district on Sunday.
'Our Greatest Win, Even When Everyone Was Against Us', Says PM Orbán
- 4 Apr 2022 7:08 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- current affairs
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declared that ruling Fidesz had secured its greatest victory even when “great international forces” had mobilised against it. All the money international organisations provided to the Hungarian opposition was “money down the drain”, he said.
Watch: Dumped Hungarian Postal Ballots Found in Transylvania
- 1 Apr 2022 6:32 AM
- https://bbj.hu/
- current affairs
A bag containing partially burnt Hungarian election postal ballot papers was found in a landfill near Târgu Mures, according to a report by news site Telex.hu.
Hungarian Opinion: Weeklies on the Electoral Campaign
- 14 Feb 2022 6:19 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
As the electoral campaign officially kicks off, the weeklies analyse the political landscape and the various factors that might play a role in the run-up to the elections called for 3 April.
Opinion: OSCE Prepares for ‘Full-Scale’ Electoral Monitoring in Hungary
- 8 Feb 2022 9:50 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
A pro-government analyst sees the decision to send an unusually large (for an EU country) electoral monitoring mission to Hungary as part of a campaign to explain away the probable defeat of the opposition at the elections in April. A liberal expert thinks even a large number of monitors will have limited means to oversee the election.
Hungarian Opinion: Government Caps Price of Six Basic Foodstuffs
- 17 Jan 2022 9:19 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- shopping
Opposition-leaning outlets lambast the decision announced by the Prime Minister to freeze the price of white sugar, white flour, milk, chicken breasts, pork shanks and sunflower oil at October levels.
Hungarian Opinion: Márki-Zay to be Left Without Own Parliamentary Group
- 7 Jan 2022 10:25 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
A pro-government commentator writes that the opposition parties wanted to teach Péter Márki-Zay a lesson by not allowing him to put his own candidates on the opposition ballot.
Hungarian Opinion: Weeklies on the Possible Outcome of Next Year’s Parliamentary Elections
- 8 Nov 2021 10:37 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
Weekly newspapers and magazines study the prospects of opposition parties in the Hungarian parliamentary elections due in just under six months’ time. Voices close to the opposition are optimistic, cautious or even critical of their own camp.