22 result(s) for taxi association
Media Outlets In Hungary Join Forces To Protest Ad Tax
- 6 Jun 2014 9:00 AM
- current affairs
More than one hundred media outlets joined on Thursday evening the action protesting against the planned ad tax. At the behest of the Hungarian Advertising Association, television, radio, print and internet journalists voiced their objections to the related bill which was submitted to parliament on Monday.
Hungary’s Govt Mulls Taxing Social Media
- 4 Jun 2014 9:00 AM
- business
The bill on introducing a tax on advertisements is just an “overture” which could also see social networking sites included in the new regime, Fidesz lawmaker László L Simon said in a radio interview to public Kossuth Rádió.
Xpat Opinion: Constitutional Renewal Must Be Done By Hungarians For Hungarians
- 13 Jul 2012 1:00 AM
- current affairs
A conversation between two consitutional legal scholars: Kim Lane Scheppele, Princeton University and Gábor Halmai, ELTE Budapest and Princeton University.
Tesco Accuses Hungarian Gov’t Of Taxing Growth
- 19 Oct 2010 11:00 AM
- shopping
"The government is taxing investment and jobs with its planned levy on retail chains, British-owned hypermarket chain Tesco declared. The government expects to collect Ft 30 billion from retail chains in 2010 and in the next two years.
Media Outlets In Hungary Join Forces To Protest Ad Tax
- 6 Jun 2014 9:00 AM
- current affairs
More than one hundred media outlets joined on Thursday evening the action protesting against the planned ad tax. At the behest of the Hungarian Advertising Association, television, radio, print and internet journalists voiced their objections to the related bill which was submitted to parliament on Monday.
Hungary’s Govt Mulls Taxing Social Media
- 4 Jun 2014 9:00 AM
- business
The bill on introducing a tax on advertisements is just an “overture” which could also see social networking sites included in the new regime, Fidesz lawmaker László L Simon said in a radio interview to public Kossuth Rádió.
Xpat Opinion: Constitutional Renewal Must Be Done By Hungarians For Hungarians
- 13 Jul 2012 1:00 AM
- current affairs
A conversation between two consitutional legal scholars: Kim Lane Scheppele, Princeton University and Gábor Halmai, ELTE Budapest and Princeton University.
Tesco Accuses Hungarian Gov’t Of Taxing Growth
- 19 Oct 2010 11:00 AM
- shopping
"The government is taxing investment and jobs with its planned levy on retail chains, British-owned hypermarket chain Tesco declared. The government expects to collect Ft 30 billion from retail chains in 2010 and in the next two years.