Hungarian Hotels Call for Curbs on Airbnb Rentals

  • 14 Sep 2021 6:08 AM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
Hungarian Hotels Call for Curbs on Airbnb Rentals
The Hotel and Restaurant Association (Mszész) has made suggestions to the government on regulating private accommodation providers, mostly Airbnb providers, it said on Monday.

The hotel association suggests removing from websites any users unregistered with the state tourism database centre NTAK, or with several flats under the same number.

Online platforms, not private accommodation providers, should pay the tourism tax, they argued.

The number of short-term rental flats should be limited within each house, district and zone.

Minimum length of stay should be increased, as in New York, where it is 30 days.

Hotels suggest freezing for one to three years the issuance of new licences for short-term rents, to help those impacted by the pandemic.

Mszész would also strengthen the conditions on issuing new licences for short-term rents. Such accommodation providers should maintain a 24-hour emergency line and pay a lump sum local “car parking” levy.

The registration number and name of the accommodation should be clearly indicated outside, the hotels added.

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