616 result(s) for records
Thirty -Two Churches Recognised By Hungarian Parliament To Date
- 8 Mar 2012 8:04 AM
- current affairs
"The number of churches recognised by Parliament has risen to thirty-two. Parliament decided on the amendment of Act CCVI of 2011 on the Freedom of Conscience and Religion and the Status of Churches, Religious Denominations and Religious Communities on 27 February.
11 New Acts Announced For Sziget 2012 In Budapest
- 23 Feb 2012 10:45 AM
- entertainment
"And great acts indeed: Korn – metal icons, presenting their newest album; The Vaccines – maybe the coolest indie invention of last year; Magnetic Man – legendary rulers of dubstep; Two Door Cinema Club; Steve Aoki; Axwell; Beatsteaks; dEUS; Ministry; Bebel Gilberto; Caro Emerald… you name it.
Invitation: Charles Lloyd Sky Trio, National Concert Hall Budapest, 25 February
- 22 Feb 2012 8:00 AM
- entertainment
"Charles Lloyd is an international treasure,” said Carlos Santana of the 74-year old saxophone player. According to Ben Ratliff, jazz writer at The New York Times, “follow the career of Charles Lloyd, ... and you’ll see a grand history of jazz spanning half a century”.
Coldest Nights Yet Still Ahead In Hungary
- 9 Feb 2012 7:00 AM
- current affairs
"The coldest nights of this winter are ahead and records could be broken Thursday night and Friday night, if the temperature dips below –27C, according to reports.
History Of Gellért Thermal Bath In Budapest
- 2 Feb 2012 8:00 AM
- getting around
"We find records about the "miraculous" springs spurting up on the territory of the Bath from as early a date as the 15th century. These springs were later favoured by the Turks as well, as they were larger and hotter than the Buda baths of the period.
Budapest Airport 2011: All Traffic Records Beaten
- 13 Jan 2012 11:00 AM
- travel
"Budapest Airport registered an amazing 8.9% traffic increase last year and recorded an all-time high of 8,920,653 passengers. Thus the 2007 record of 8.6 million has been surpassed by 320,000 passengers arriving and departing from the terminals of Budapest Airport.
Famous Hungarian Battles
- 12 Jul 2011 9:00 AM
- current affairs
“Hungary is the bulwark of Christianity”, people said in the Middle Ages. A handful of enthusiastic castle defenders would often contain tens of thousands of Turkish invaders, preventing the Ottoman Porte from advancing towards Vienna, and the Red Crescent from casting its shadow on Europe.
Xpat Interview: Peter Johnson, Vice President for Student Services at Central European University
- 2 Mar 2011 11:00 AM
Peter Johnson is Vice President for Student Services at Central European University, where he oversees the student recruitment, admissions, financial aid, student records & registration, student life, and psychological counseling departments.
Sziget Wish List 2011 - You Can Choose Who Plays
- 23 Nov 2010 12:00 AM
- entertainment
"Please help our work: if you choose a band that has been missing from our records, please enter the address of the band's homepage, so that our database can be extended easier.
Thirty -Two Churches Recognised By Hungarian Parliament To Date
- 8 Mar 2012 8:04 AM
- current affairs
"The number of churches recognised by Parliament has risen to thirty-two. Parliament decided on the amendment of Act CCVI of 2011 on the Freedom of Conscience and Religion and the Status of Churches, Religious Denominations and Religious Communities on 27 February.
11 New Acts Announced For Sziget 2012 In Budapest
- 23 Feb 2012 10:45 AM
- entertainment
"And great acts indeed: Korn – metal icons, presenting their newest album; The Vaccines – maybe the coolest indie invention of last year; Magnetic Man – legendary rulers of dubstep; Two Door Cinema Club; Steve Aoki; Axwell; Beatsteaks; dEUS; Ministry; Bebel Gilberto; Caro Emerald… you name it.
Invitation: Charles Lloyd Sky Trio, National Concert Hall Budapest, 25 February
- 22 Feb 2012 8:00 AM
- entertainment
"Charles Lloyd is an international treasure,” said Carlos Santana of the 74-year old saxophone player. According to Ben Ratliff, jazz writer at The New York Times, “follow the career of Charles Lloyd, ... and you’ll see a grand history of jazz spanning half a century”.
Coldest Nights Yet Still Ahead In Hungary
- 9 Feb 2012 7:00 AM
- current affairs
"The coldest nights of this winter are ahead and records could be broken Thursday night and Friday night, if the temperature dips below –27C, according to reports.
History Of Gellért Thermal Bath In Budapest
- 2 Feb 2012 8:00 AM
- getting around
"We find records about the "miraculous" springs spurting up on the territory of the Bath from as early a date as the 15th century. These springs were later favoured by the Turks as well, as they were larger and hotter than the Buda baths of the period.
Budapest Airport 2011: All Traffic Records Beaten
- 13 Jan 2012 11:00 AM
- travel
"Budapest Airport registered an amazing 8.9% traffic increase last year and recorded an all-time high of 8,920,653 passengers. Thus the 2007 record of 8.6 million has been surpassed by 320,000 passengers arriving and departing from the terminals of Budapest Airport.
Famous Hungarian Battles
- 12 Jul 2011 9:00 AM
- current affairs
“Hungary is the bulwark of Christianity”, people said in the Middle Ages. A handful of enthusiastic castle defenders would often contain tens of thousands of Turkish invaders, preventing the Ottoman Porte from advancing towards Vienna, and the Red Crescent from casting its shadow on Europe.
Xpat Interview: Peter Johnson, Vice President for Student Services at Central European University
- 2 Mar 2011 11:00 AM
Peter Johnson is Vice President for Student Services at Central European University, where he oversees the student recruitment, admissions, financial aid, student records & registration, student life, and psychological counseling departments.
Sziget Wish List 2011 - You Can Choose Who Plays
- 23 Nov 2010 12:00 AM
- entertainment
"Please help our work: if you choose a band that has been missing from our records, please enter the address of the band's homepage, so that our database can be extended easier.